Saatvik Netralaya Complete Eye Care Clinic

How to prevent from Eye Problems

Our eyes are windows that allows us to see the beauty of the world. But like other parts of our body, eye requires frequent care. Follow some necessary steps to prevent yourself from eye problems. 

Food for Eyes

  • Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach
  • Eat fatty fish which can help you to protect from age-related macular degeneration.
  • Eat fruits, nuts and seeds that protect your eye cells from getting damaged.

Reduce Screentime

In today’s digital world people spend a lot of time on computers, laptops, smartphones and other digital devices. Take short breaks consistently of few seconds after working on screen for long time and don’t forget to adjust your screen brightness. This method allows relaxation of your eyes.

Use Sunglasses

Use sunglasses in presence of sunlight because sunlight emits UV rays that can damage eyes. UV rays can increase the chances of cataract. Wearing glasses block UV rays and protect your eyes from cataracts.

Frequent Blinking

Blinking is natural reflex, but frequent blinking can lead to eye problem. If you experience dry and irritated eyes, it may be the symptom of dry eye syndrome.

Sleep Time

Eyes needs a quality sleep time like the other body parts to function properly. Manage to sleep 7-8 hours daily to provide proper rest to your eyes.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

No smoking because it damages your lungs and increases your chances of getting eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataract.

People who have problems like diabetes and high blood pressure are at high risk of getting eye problems. So, to maintain a good overall eye health eating a balanced diet is so important.

By following these very simple practices in your daily life you can prevent yourself from getting eye diseases. Also, if you already have eyesight problem, it can help you to improve your eye health.